Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Questions about health

1. What are some of the official definitions of 'health'?
2. How many people are officially 'mentally ill' in the U.S. and what does that mean?
3. What are some of the common suggestions in responding to emotional difficulties?
4. Why is it harder to learn a new language after the age of 15?
5. Does eating carrots help your eye sight?

Monday, March 30, 2009

My own living funeral

I wouldn’t want to organize my own living funeral because I don’t want to tell people how to remember me. I rather have my family and friends put it together so I can see how much I mean to them and what difference I made to their lives. I feel like after death a person is remember in a unique way with every person.
I think having a living funeral would be a good idea because at times I don’t feel appreciated by those I hold high in my life. I would be curious to see how my death would affect them.

Animal essay

“Humans” do not understand that we are also animals. We try to separate ourselves from that category. For some reason it is looked upon with negativity but the truth is that if we recognize our bodies to be animally, we can live a more meaningful life.

As mentioned in class today the rate of depression in our country is high. Depression is mental and as it grows it becomes physical. Most depressed people can not function on a day to day base. They rather stay isolated in bed. People, who do YOGA how ever, enter a peaceful mindset as they move and hold awkward positions with their bodies.

I believe that we are born with the instincts of being animals but as we grow older the freedom is taken away from us and we become these robotic figures in society. When we enter school in pre-k and kinder-garden, we have play time. We physically interact with the other kids. Then we are offered nap time where we rest out bodies. But as we do more years of schooling, we become these caged animals, taught how to follow rules. We are order to do homework or else we get bad grades and then looked upon as failures. School doesn’t measures ones intelligence but their obedience.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exploratory research for student questions

1. How common do old people interact with 15 year olds?

2. What percentage of old people are sexual active?
-73% of the 57-64 age group reported they were sexually active, compared with 53% of the 65-74 age group and 26% of the 75-85 age group.

3. Do old people have a dress code?

4. What do old people find attrative?

5. What percentage of old people smoke pot?

6. How common do old people (not in a retirement home) interact with other old people?

7. What percentage of old people try and regain their youth?

8. When do old folks give up on life and just stay at home?

9. At what point in thier lives are they accepting death?

10. What is old folks place in society?

11. What do old people think about the younger generation?

12. What percentage of old people believe in a religion vs the percentage who do not?

13. What percentage of old people are completely healthy?

14.What percentage of old people have a drivers licence?

15.What percentage of old people are on antidepressants?

16. What percentage of old people are scared of death?

17. What percentage of old people cant wait for death?

18. what percentage of old people would go over and do things again?

Old folks and thier socail interactions questions

1. How common do old people interact with 15 year olds?
2. What percentage of old people are sexual active?
3. Do old people have a dress code?
4. What do old people do for fun?
5. What do old people find attrative?
6. What percentage of old people smoke pot?
7. How lonley are old people?

Monday, February 9, 2009

My feelings aboutold people

Where I live, it is populated by alot of old folks. I hate to say it, but I pity them. They look so incapable of doing things for themselves and most of the time they live all alone. When I see them in the elevator they are always trying to make some sort of conversation. I interact with them and talk back but to be honest its not becuase I want to. I smle an nod and seem like im intrested becuase i know theydontget to talk with alot of young people. Some of them have funny jokes and others try to get into deep thinking conversations. The elevator ride is like 1mintue long but they still manage to say alot. I hate wheni see them struggling. Holding alot of groceries and boxes. I offer myhelpand some are nice but ive bump into some grummpy ones that find it offensive. I dont know why they try to deny that they need help.

As far as my grandparents, I talk to them every 3 days on the phone and see them once a week. I love them to death and love being around them. The only time they annoy me is when they try to give me life lessons. My grandmother always complains that when she was my age she was always cooking an cleaning for her family, and that I take to many things for granted but my response is: diffrent country, difffrent time period,also adding the factthatshe didnt go to hischool or college so she didnt have anything else to do. I try not to be mean to mygrandparents and always show them love becuase theyare the main founders of my family and without them idk where my family would be. I apreshate all the time we spend togetger, especailly going to METS games on the weekends.

Some sterotypes aboutold people are true. LIke they spend alot of time complaining about teenagers and how easy we have it. They do tend to get really grumpy. But the main problem is that the youth does exclude them.I think there should be more interaction between teens and the elderly. Especailly amoung ones family. If you actually take the time to listen to the stroies theyare exploding to tell, youll find some things in common with their teen years and ours. And beilieve it or not, theyhave already been thur the same stages of live we are goping through, picking up a tip or two wont hurt.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Interview with my parents

Stepfather Age:70. American jew

1. What do you consider a meaningful life?
A meaningful life is that you have obtained some level of success and that when you pass people would say he was a good guy.
2. What do you remember about having a good life when you were a teenager?
In the neighborhood where I grew up, we had a group of maybe 15, mostly boys. We spent a great deal of time participating in sports. The sport depended on the time of the year. These were not organized leagues. These were like going to a park and picking up strangers to join the game. This was a weekend thing, and when the weather was nice, an after school thing. Sports were very important to our lives.
-More about the competition or fun? It was more about the participating and meting new people.
3. As you grew older did the priorities change?
As you grew older, achievement in school grew important and a great deal of time was spent talking about your future.
-More with friends or family? In my case, it was a friend thing. There was not that must dialog between teenagers and their parents in those days.
4. Do you see these priorities changed in my generation of teens?
I think that teens today are much more interested in NOW then their future.
5. What was it that made the COOL KID back in your days?
The “cool kid” was not necessarily someone that people looked up to, in some cases the “cool kid” was the flashy dresser, the greased hair and the one who was neither practically intelligent nor active in sports. He was just COOL.
6. What the main memory of your teen days?
When I was 18 there was a universal draft. Almost everyone had to serve some time. I opted to join the army after high school rather then going to college and then having to go into the army after wards.
-Did not going to college put you in a bad position? Back then college wasn’t really necessary.
- Was going into the army, the heroic thing to do? Had not to do with heroism. It was an obligation that I had to fur fill and I chose to do it as soon as possible.
-Do you know you army serial number? That’s one thing you never forget. US51414784
7. What big media messages where going on/What was the corporate "it"?
TV back in 1950 was pure entertainment.
-So no MTV? There were channels 2, 4,5,7,9,11,and 13. There was no cable, no MTV no VH1. TV was not programmed 24 hours a day.
8. Do you believe you have lived a meaningful life?
"I believe life was less complex then it is today and there was more face to face contact with people."

Mother Age:37, born in the Dominican Republic

1. What do you consider a meaningful life?
A life that is lived enjoying every moment of it like it is your last one, enjoying your surroundings, giving meaning to things; when u look at a flower and u see the purpose of it; when you see your neighbors and have a conversation. When you met someone and remember them the next time. Interacting with people and always making something purposeful. Going through experiences and becoming a better person on the way. Helping people. Money isn’t everything in this world, love is.
2. What do you remember about having a good life when you were a teenager?
Getting along with everybody, and being the person everyone went to for advice. When we use to play truth and dare and the truth hurt, I always use to know the right thing to say to break the tension and that’s why everyone admired me. In high school we use to play pranks at each other and just have clean fun. Throwing water and powder at each other, putting eggs in our friend’s book bags on the last day and dropping it so all the books would get messed up; basically just enjoying each others company.
3. What changes do you notice about teens now and how they live their life?
Here (in America) teenagers have diffrent mentalities, not necessarily a good one. They have a different way of thinking, different priorities then in my country.
- Do u think the teens now in D.r are different then your time? Things have changed but not as drastic as it is here. People still have values, respect and maintain their priorities high up. Here you tent to lose your culture and your values.
4. What made the “cool kid” in D.r?
The one with the latest fashion, the one with the most friends, the one that was at all the parties and everyone wanted to be around. In my society it was more about hanging out and relaxing, especially gossiping.
5. Do you think that teens in USA are ignorant towards the meaning of a meaningful life?
Somewhat; yes. Teens now are centered on technology. They pay attention more to there TVs, computers and cell phones then their parents.
6. DO you believe that teens lost their values for family?
Yes. Back then you respected your parents; you interacted with your family. Now days forget it, it’s you go your way and I go mine. It’s not only with teenagers but with parents too. In D.r every Sunday was atomicity family togetherness. My parents and their friends use to get together and bring their kids. We had a lot of picnic days. We use to go to sugar canes fields and ride horses and playing around with the neighborhood kids.
7. How big of a role did technology play?
We didn’t have any cell phones, had Tvs but we barely watcher it. We use to go to dinners and parties instead.
8. Life back then more meaningful then now?
9. Do you believe you lived and are living a meaningful life?
Yes, especially because I had you! {I added that!J}

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Old people questions abot the meaningful life.

1. What do you remember about living a meaningful life when you were a teenager?
2. As you grew older, did these messages change?
3. What is your definition of love? How should this be expressed on holidays such as Valentines day and Christmas?
4. What changes have you seen in media messages about how t live a meaningful life?
5. Can you say you lived your life meaningful? Why or why not?
6. What object made you the coolest kid back in your teenage years?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Big Paper

W h a t i s a g o o d a n d m e a n i n g f u l l i f e?<2> People have interpreted the answers to this question using corporate culture.<2> Folk culture has been lost thought out the years and the worst part is people don’t seem to realize how much their life is controlled by the media and the corporate industries.<2>
[1][1] 2<1><1>2


I don’t think that we are fed mislead information I just think the government is being the government. They only highlight the good and never show us the bad. Its like they are afraid of us having an opinion so they only show us one side. The one that makes them look good. With MLK, we celebrate a day in his honor to give the American people hope and give them a reminder that we have accomplished things in the past. When u have a success story why present the negatives. I do think that we should be informed about both the good and the bad but lets be realistic, our government will never give us the satisfaction of knowing they are failures.

Valentines day

Valentines Day is the day to be spent with your significant other. When I was younger it was about making your crush a little paper heart and putting it secretly on their desk. As we get older and have our girlfriends/boyfriends, its about buying them something nice and taking them out to eat. This holiday reminds you to make time to treat the one you love. Corporately it has been turned into a day for the markets. Jewelry stores open their doors wide to the lover trying to impress. In our culture love is shown through materials. I prefer Valentines Day when I was younger because it was innocently cute. The whole arts and craft of making the paper heart with glittery finishing touches. Love should be shown trough creative gifts not easily bought materials.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Election Reflection

This year’s presidential election was one of the most inspiring elections in history. The first black (well half black) president was elected to run our country. This is truly significant to the growth of our nation. A few years back when segregation was a law, blacks didn’t have any rights at all. Slowly as time went by they gained rights to make them “equal”. Although according to the law they were treated “equally” there were still strong racism and stereotypes within the American people limiting their power? In one a recent jay-z song he mentioned “Rosa Parks sat so MLK can talk, MLK had a dream so Obama can run.” This led me to thinking; Obama is another stepping stone to more successes for blacks in this country. Everything takes time but anything is possible.
I strongly believe that Obama is going to be a good president. He is a well spoken man and knows how to present himself. He was really smart in his campaigning decisions. He seems to have a good plan for our country. If he doesn’t then man are we fucked. We are truly in the worst conditions with just about everything. Our envioriment,

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thanksgiving Post

My thanksgiving family dinner was pretty fun. We spent the whole night eating and telling childhood stories. Even though they are retold at every family gathering they never seem to get old. Everyone still laughs at them, everyone still gets embarrassed by them and most importantly everyone loves them. No one brought up what really happened in history on thanksgiving. To be honest I don’t think my family even cares. They aren’t from American. They just know thanksgiving as a holiday to get family together and eat a huge meal. Everyone home makes something to bring to the table. The tradition I see there from history is the gathering of various food from different parts of the family to share. Thanksgiving and this time of the year is really meaningful to my family. We have been use to living all together but as my aunts and uncles grew up, everyone got their own home and family. Family is an important value to mine so we seek any opportunity to bring everyone together.

Black Friday/ BND

On black Friday I did not go out to shop. I did want to save money but the main reason why I stood home was because I didn’t want to deal with crowded and messy stores. I was tempted by the saves but I was too hung over from thanksgiving to get up early. The main controversy about black Friday is that they advertise for you to go out and shop to save money but at the end of the day twice the amount of money is spend then on a regular shopping day. People become so blind sided because they hear the words SAVE and they are tricked to spent more money. People have this idea that having a meaningful life is to have any and every material, from the latest fashionable clothing to the newest electronics. Plus if you pay less money then the actual prize it makes the object even more significant.
In this American culture people rely on materials to make their life’s happy and meaningful. I personal have been a victim to the American way of life. I came from a family of 13 people living under one roof. It was really difficult for all of our individual needs to be satisfied yet alone to have extras. When I was going to school my cloths wasn’t exactly up to date with fashion and my toys were hand me downs. All I want was to have the same cloths as everyone else so I won’t feel left out. Many times I was embarrassed to go to school because I was wearing the same thing I had worn a few days before. Now looking back I realized how foolish I was. I still made friends in school because of my personality not my cloths and I still had a family that loved me. We often become concern with what we don’t have that we don’t come to realize we already have enough. Not everything in life that is meaningful has to have a money value.

Trampled Wal-Mart Worker

The killing of a Wal-Mart employee on black Friday is a great example of how America has become materialistic. A mob of people were lined up and camping outside the store hours before the store even opened. When the doors were finally unlocked everyone bum rushed to get in, knocking over a 34year old male employee. After being stomped over repeatedly he died because of a heart attack. Even after the ambulance came to take away the body, the mod of people continued to rush in stepping over the workers. “They killed a man just to save 20 bucks on a flat screen TV” If I were someone from out of the states reading this article I would think that Americas are heartless money hungry jerks. But in the defense of this case I must say that Wal-Mart had set themselves up for these kayos. They spent money in advertisement their sales for black Friday weeks before the event. Feeding the American minds to a mode of “must get there first to save.”