Monday, March 30, 2009

My own living funeral

I wouldn’t want to organize my own living funeral because I don’t want to tell people how to remember me. I rather have my family and friends put it together so I can see how much I mean to them and what difference I made to their lives. I feel like after death a person is remember in a unique way with every person.
I think having a living funeral would be a good idea because at times I don’t feel appreciated by those I hold high in my life. I would be curious to see how my death would affect them.

Animal essay

“Humans” do not understand that we are also animals. We try to separate ourselves from that category. For some reason it is looked upon with negativity but the truth is that if we recognize our bodies to be animally, we can live a more meaningful life.

As mentioned in class today the rate of depression in our country is high. Depression is mental and as it grows it becomes physical. Most depressed people can not function on a day to day base. They rather stay isolated in bed. People, who do YOGA how ever, enter a peaceful mindset as they move and hold awkward positions with their bodies.

I believe that we are born with the instincts of being animals but as we grow older the freedom is taken away from us and we become these robotic figures in society. When we enter school in pre-k and kinder-garden, we have play time. We physically interact with the other kids. Then we are offered nap time where we rest out bodies. But as we do more years of schooling, we become these caged animals, taught how to follow rules. We are order to do homework or else we get bad grades and then looked upon as failures. School doesn’t measures ones intelligence but their obedience.