Sunday, October 19, 2008

Good Life

  1. What is the song basically saying about how to live a good life? Paraphrase the main idea.

The song “Good life” implies that the “good life” includes fame, money, and girls. Being famous means you’ll have money for all the expensive things like jewelry, cars, etc. and all those flashy things are going to wheel in the girls.

  1. What lyrics particularly speak to that perspective? Use quotes as evidence.

“Weather your broke or rich you gatta get biz, havin’ money’s the everything that havin’ it is.” Kanye is basically saying that money is what makes everything therefore it is most important to have to live a “good life”.

  1. How do the video images support, re-orient, or challenge the dominant theme of the lyrics? Analyze.

The video is very colorful which starts up excitement. Whenever GOOD LIFE is mention on the white background the word forms in a bright color.

4. What else do you notice that's interesting? Look for internal contradictions, aspects of the message that resonate with other messages from the pop culture, points that connect to your own perspective, etc. Analyze squared.

STill have to finish !

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