Monday, February 9, 2009

My feelings aboutold people

Where I live, it is populated by alot of old folks. I hate to say it, but I pity them. They look so incapable of doing things for themselves and most of the time they live all alone. When I see them in the elevator they are always trying to make some sort of conversation. I interact with them and talk back but to be honest its not becuase I want to. I smle an nod and seem like im intrested becuase i know theydontget to talk with alot of young people. Some of them have funny jokes and others try to get into deep thinking conversations. The elevator ride is like 1mintue long but they still manage to say alot. I hate wheni see them struggling. Holding alot of groceries and boxes. I offer myhelpand some are nice but ive bump into some grummpy ones that find it offensive. I dont know why they try to deny that they need help.

As far as my grandparents, I talk to them every 3 days on the phone and see them once a week. I love them to death and love being around them. The only time they annoy me is when they try to give me life lessons. My grandmother always complains that when she was my age she was always cooking an cleaning for her family, and that I take to many things for granted but my response is: diffrent country, difffrent time period,also adding the factthatshe didnt go to hischool or college so she didnt have anything else to do. I try not to be mean to mygrandparents and always show them love becuase theyare the main founders of my family and without them idk where my family would be. I apreshate all the time we spend togetger, especailly going to METS games on the weekends.

Some sterotypes aboutold people are true. LIke they spend alot of time complaining about teenagers and how easy we have it. They do tend to get really grumpy. But the main problem is that the youth does exclude them.I think there should be more interaction between teens and the elderly. Especailly amoung ones family. If you actually take the time to listen to the stroies theyare exploding to tell, youll find some things in common with their teen years and ours. And beilieve it or not, theyhave already been thur the same stages of live we are goping through, picking up a tip or two wont hurt.

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