Sunday, January 4, 2009

Black Friday/ BND

On black Friday I did not go out to shop. I did want to save money but the main reason why I stood home was because I didn’t want to deal with crowded and messy stores. I was tempted by the saves but I was too hung over from thanksgiving to get up early. The main controversy about black Friday is that they advertise for you to go out and shop to save money but at the end of the day twice the amount of money is spend then on a regular shopping day. People become so blind sided because they hear the words SAVE and they are tricked to spent more money. People have this idea that having a meaningful life is to have any and every material, from the latest fashionable clothing to the newest electronics. Plus if you pay less money then the actual prize it makes the object even more significant.
In this American culture people rely on materials to make their life’s happy and meaningful. I personal have been a victim to the American way of life. I came from a family of 13 people living under one roof. It was really difficult for all of our individual needs to be satisfied yet alone to have extras. When I was going to school my cloths wasn’t exactly up to date with fashion and my toys were hand me downs. All I want was to have the same cloths as everyone else so I won’t feel left out. Many times I was embarrassed to go to school because I was wearing the same thing I had worn a few days before. Now looking back I realized how foolish I was. I still made friends in school because of my personality not my cloths and I still had a family that loved me. We often become concern with what we don’t have that we don’t come to realize we already have enough. Not everything in life that is meaningful has to have a money value.

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