Monday, January 5, 2009

Election Reflection

This year’s presidential election was one of the most inspiring elections in history. The first black (well half black) president was elected to run our country. This is truly significant to the growth of our nation. A few years back when segregation was a law, blacks didn’t have any rights at all. Slowly as time went by they gained rights to make them “equal”. Although according to the law they were treated “equally” there were still strong racism and stereotypes within the American people limiting their power? In one a recent jay-z song he mentioned “Rosa Parks sat so MLK can talk, MLK had a dream so Obama can run.” This led me to thinking; Obama is another stepping stone to more successes for blacks in this country. Everything takes time but anything is possible.
I strongly believe that Obama is going to be a good president. He is a well spoken man and knows how to present himself. He was really smart in his campaigning decisions. He seems to have a good plan for our country. If he doesn’t then man are we fucked. We are truly in the worst conditions with just about everything. Our envioriment,

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